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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & KSTV


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & KSTV



Opinion: The Butter Coffee Diet

Shawn Mercer November 20, 2013

Shawn Mercer Shawn Mercer is an integrated life sciences major and a columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact him at [email protected] Dave Asprey considers himself to be a hacker of sorts. He's...

Guest Column: Slithering to the cultural bottom on TV

Dan Thomasson November 20, 2013

Just when you thought reality television couldn’t get more bizarre, you have to think again. How about a star who handles poisonous snakes? He’s not a herpetologist dedicated to risking his life to...

Our View: When a word needs to be used

DKS Editors November 20, 2013

One of the greatest ethical tenets of journalism — conveying unaltered truth to readers — can also be one of its downfalls when used irresponsibly.Faced with vast amounts of information to consider,...

Letter to the editor: Nov. 20, 2013

Kate Kellner November 20, 2013

To the Editor and the Kent State Community,After more than 20 years of continuous adjunct teaching, originally under the auspices of Evening and Weekend College, due to the new policy (see below) in the...

Guest column: Can your wife let the cops in?

Los Angeles Times November 19, 2013

The following editorial appeared in the Los Angeles Times on Friday, Nov. 15:Seven years ago, the Supreme Court rightly ruled that police couldn’t conduct a warrantless search of a home shared by two...


Opinion: Jimmy Kimmel’s situation reflects American society

Haoran Li November 19, 2013

Haoran Li Haoran Li is a sophomore communications studies major and a columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact him at [email protected]. Most Americans recognize Jimmy Kimmel as a comedy host. He can...

Our View: The rise of online dating still hasn’t erased stigma

DKS Editors November 19, 2013

Technology has made so many aspects of our lives easier, and many don’t give it a second thought. But when it comes to online dating, there is still an unfair stigma attached to it.For this reason, many...


Opinion: The end-of-semester blues

Kara Taylor November 19, 2013

Kara Taylor Kara Taylor is a freshman journalism major and columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact her at [email protected]. It is unavoidable: Toward the end of the semester, we all experience...

Guest column: Humanities are at heart of real education

Gina Barrecca November 18, 2013

“What’s the purpose of studying the humanities: literature, languages, philosophy, history and the arts?”I needed to come up with a good answer to this question. You see, legions of administrators...

Christina Bucciere is a senior journalism major and a columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact her at

Opinion: How to get through the rest of the semester

Christina Bucciere November 18, 2013

As the semester winds down, I am finding it harder and harder to find any motivation to complete my final projects, study for my remaining tests and be engaged in class at all. I have noticed some of my...

Our View: Mapping our progress

DKS Editors November 18, 2013

Summary: A new geographic mapping tool promises to make Kent a more marketable and prosperous community. We think this technology will enhance the improvements being made to our downtown.As Kent residents...


Opinion: Nobel winner was a skeptic

Elaina Sauber November 17, 2013

Elaina Sauber Elaina Sauber is a senior English major and columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. She can be reached at [email protected] Doris Lessing, a groundbreaking novelist who won 2007'd Nobel Prize...