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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & KSTV


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & KSTV



Opinion: Reality T.V.: When did dysfunctional become functional?

Kara Taylor November 26, 2013

Kara Taylor Kara Taylor is a freshman journalism major and a columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact her at [email protected] Every Monday at 8 p.m., a new episode of “Love and Hip Hop” airs...

Our View: Leave women’s rights to women

DKS Editors November 26, 2013

New legislation in Ohio has changed the way health care clinics handle abortions. In October, Ohio adopted a controversial “incremental strategy” to cut abortion rates while bypassing Roe v. Wade,...


Opinion: A dangerous game in the north peninsula

Haoran Li November 26, 2013

Haorn Li Haoran Li is a sophomore communications studies major and a columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. He can be reached at [email protected] The North Korean government has detained American citizens...

Guest Column: Doolittle’s Last Raiders

C/Maj. Alexander Clawson November 26, 2013

“Airpower is like poker. A second-best hand is like none at all – it will cost you dough and win you nothing.” General George C. Kenney, 1921April 18th, 1942: 80 airmen, officer and enlisted, set...

Christina Bucciere is a senior journalism major and a columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact her at

Opinion: A smile means more

Christina Bucciere November 25, 2013

My grandma was the kind of person who could strike up a conversation with anyone and often would. When I was younger, it was embarrassing. We didn’t know these people, but she talked to them as if they...

Our View: Red-light cameras can be beneficial

DKS Editors November 25, 2013

Red-light and speed cameras, which issue civil citations to the offending vehicle’s owner, have long been a topic of debate.Though supporters say the intention is to increase safety, opponents say the...


Opinion: Voice calls on planes pose threat to aircraft cabin

Elaina Sauber November 24, 2013

Elaina Sauber Elaina Sauber is a senior English major and columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact her at [email protected] When I tell people I don’t have a smartphone, they usually give me a...

Guest Column: Senate Democrats pass the ‘nuclear option’ for judicial nominees, the country will be better for it

The Baltimore Sun November 24, 2013

While there might be some bruised feelings and anger left behind in the aftermath, the so-called “nuclear option” unleashed Thursday by Senate Major Leader Harry Reid and the Democrats hardly seems...

Bruce Walton is a senior columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact him at

Opinion: Research before having opinions on Obamacare

Bruce Walton November 22, 2013

I hope everyone has a great Thanksgiving next week. I also can’t wait to see my extended family, my little cousins, my aunts and uncles and have a great time at my uncle’s house. I’m sure Obamacare...


Opinion: Ohio Needs Tougher Regulations on Fracking

Rachel Godin November 22, 2013

Rachel Godin Rachel Godin is a sophomore journalism major and a columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact her at [email protected]. Home is where the hurt is. Portage County is Ohio’s capitol for...

Guest column: Building a career from a tragedy

Gregory Clay November 22, 2013

The conspiracy theories are endless. They seem to multiply like locusts.A classic whodunit: Was it the Mafia? How about Fidel Castro and Cuba? Maybe LBJ himself was the mastermind? What about the CIA?...

Our View: Balancing student aid

DKS Editors November 22, 2013

As Kent State accepted its highest-achieving freshman class this past August, merit-based aid has been on the rise. While we are pleased to be surrounded by intelligent, hard-working students, we wonder...