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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & KSTV


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & KSTV


YouToo Conference

YouToo Conference to explore social media in the news

Jessica Darling April 6, 2015

The Kent State chapter and the Akron Professional chapter of Public Relations Society of America are coming together for the eighth annual YouToo Social Media Conference on Friday, April 10.“YouToo is...

Mike Richards is a senior English major and a columnist for The Kent Stater. Contact him at

Opinion: Creativity: The Sane vs. the Insane

Mike Richards April 5, 2015

When it comes to celebrities, directors, artists, writers, musicians, or basically anyone else who may publicly deliver some sort of creative medium, how do you want them to present themselves? Would you...

Female Colorism: A look at racial perception and division

Bruce Walton February 15, 2015

Am I really black? How black am I? Why can’t I be darker? Or lighter? Can someone be “blacker” or “whiter” than others in my race? Should I try to be lighter? Should I get a tan to make myself...

A look at interracial dating: Part two of a two-part series

Amanda Anastasia Paniagua February 10, 2015

Criticism of interracial relationships can and does come from both black and white opposition, as well as every shade in between.While colorism upholds the standard of fair/lighter skin as more desirable...

School of Communication Studies introduces Colloquium Series

Jessica Darling February 8, 2015

Jeffrey Child kicked off a new Colloquium Series on Friday, Feb. 6 sponsored by the School of Communication Studies.The Colloquium Series consist of three research presentations open to the public that...

Our View: Fabrication or Human Error?

KS Editors February 8, 2015

Over the weekend, NBC News Anchor Brian Williams announced he would be stepping down temporarily because of inaccuracies in a 2003 news story involving an incident he allegedly experienced during the early...

Carley Hull is a senior news major. Contact her at

Opinion: The new social media: Snapchat brings creative content beyond Friday’s party

Carley Hull January 28, 2015

You might have noticed while you were going through your friends’ Snap stories of hooliganism and first world problems that a new feature has been added. It is called Discover, and it has the potential...

Marvin Logan is a senior Pan-African studies major and a columnist for The Kent Stater. Contact him at

OPINION: The Media’s Lack of Coverage on NAACP Bombing is an Expected Disappointment

Marvin Logan January 11, 2015

Last week, a seemingly domestic terrorist attack took place at a Colorado NAACP office. On Tuesday, Jan 6, the Colorado Springs, CO office of the NAACP was bombed. Information of the bombing, which is...

Marvin Logan is a senior Pan-African studies major and columnist for The Kent Stater. Contact him at

Opinion: Media distraction in the news

Marvin Logan October 8, 2014

One thing that interests me is how much control the media have today. After the deregulation of media in the 1990s, news and TV have a much different look. News stations no longer have to maintain a responsibility...

Journalist deaths

ISIS beheadings spark fear in young journalists

Nathan Havenner September 10, 2014

A global conversation about violence against journalists began when footage of an American journalist’s execution at the hands of the terrorist group Islamic State of Iraq and Syria surfaced on Aug....

‘Terrorism and the Media’ discussion to be held in Franklin Hall

Julia Kerchenski September 7, 2014

The College of Journalism and Mass Communication will hold an open forum discussion on terrorism and the role it plays in media-based professions Sept. 10 from 5:30 to 7 p.m. in the First Energy Auditorium,...

Annual Media Ethics Workshop planned for September

Jennie Barr July 3, 2014

The ethics of data mining will be discussed at the 10th annual Poynter KSU Media Ethics Workshop on Thursday, Sept. 18 in the FirstEnergy Auditorium in Franklin Hall. The conference will begin at 9 a.m.Jan...