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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & KSTV


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & KSTV


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & KSTV


The Positive Peers app prioritizes keeping users’ information confidential and allowing them to be as public as they want.

New Positive Peers app bridges the gap between in-person and online HIV resources

Holly Liptak Reporter April 4, 2020

What began as an HIV support group evolved into a private Facebook group and has now taken its most recent form as an app that includes success stories, medication reminders and more to help users find...

The panel that spoke on human trafficking. From left to right: Angel Dague, Sheri Bevan Walsh, Jean-Phillipe Rigaud, Carol O'Brien, James Mackey, Anne Marie O'Brien. Jan. 25, 2020.

Human trafficking: who is really targeted?

Griffin White January 30, 2020

Rumors spread around social media about victims being stalked through Walmart, or reading a note placed on their windshield just before they're abducted, are rarely the case when it comes to human trafficking.  “Most...