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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & KSTV


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & KSTV


Investment apps find an audience among college students

Joyleah Odom Reporter November 17, 2021

College students might have the chance to see a representative from Robinhood on their college campus. In September, the online investing brokerage announced that they would be going on a campus tour....

AAUP-KSU reaches tentative agreements with university for faculty vaccine requirements

Emma Andrus Reporter September 18, 2021

Leaders of Kent State’s chapter of the American Association of University Professors (AAUP), the faculty union, reached separate tentative agreements with Kent State on language for two memoranda of...


Money management made easy for college students with budgeting apps

Emily Mays Reporter May 8, 2021

By utilizing the many budgeting apps available, students have the opportunity to gain control of their finances and spending habits. The apps also allow for students to save money and even serve as a way...

University library hosts series of workshops for financial wellness month

Kimberly Laferty April 11, 2016

The University library will be celebrating Financial Wellness Awareness month with a series of workshops discussing how to manage finances.All workshops will be held in room 334.Ramen Now or Ramen Later?This...