Modista holds first fashion show
Dreamland Fashion Show Experience
Modista premiered its first fashion show last Friday in Rockwell Hall.
Modista premiered its first fashion show, The Dreamland Fashion Show Experience, at 8 p.m. Friday in Rockwell Hall.
The production featured designs by professionals and students combined with lyrical dance from members of the dance department.
Kori Fields, president of Modista, said the mission of this minority fashion group is to uplift others.
“In this show, we wanted to inspire and take our audience members on a journey,” Fields said. “Modista wished to guide the audience into an imaginative world where anything is possible. This place exists somewhere beyond reality.”
The event integrated multiple cultures through music selection, clothing designs and runway models.
“Modista put together a string of presentations that showed a great range of diversity, both in terms of ethnic background and design,” said J.R. Campbell, professor and director of the fashion school. “The models were confident and energized, giving the show a great energy, notably introduced by the dance performers at the start of the event.”
After the show, Fields gave thanks to Campbell and Paula Dancie, two faculty members of the fashion school, for encouraging Modista.
“I don’t do much other than sign stuff, but I just want to give my support to the students who get involved,” Dancie said. “There is a need for these students to express themselves and show their creativity.”
Contact fashion reporter Nicole Nisson at [email protected].