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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & KSTV


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & KSTV


Stay organized

February 21, 2011

Here's the good news: We are half way to summer. The bad news? We're in the midst of midterms, and everyone's life is slowly falling apart.Follow these steps to stay organized and in control during these...

10 places NOT to get it on at

February 18, 2011

So if your trying to spice up your love life the best idea is to try to get it on in different places. However, there are some places that you just need to try and avoid. This is because maybe its a bit...

What type of lingerie turns you on?

February 18, 2011

Quizzes by

Chris Akinyemi
“Radio” Single This song is soothing in a way that makes you feel ready to take on the world, if you can figure that one out. It’s about as chill as music gets, but it’s also catchy enough to make it impossible not to nod your head and sing along.

Soothing Songs Playlist: Relaxing tunes for a stressful day

Amy Cooknick February 17, 2011

Getting enough exercise and eating enough vegetables are wonderful ways to keep your body healthy, but everyone needs a little down time for the mind as well. For those moments when all you need is a chance...

Which sex position name is fake?

February 17, 2011

Quizzes by

Nathan Rodriguez, junior nursing major “I like rice, beans and pastelillos because I am Puerto Rican, and it’s a very Puerto Rican dish. It also reminds me of my grandmother.”

Man on the street for February 17, 2011

DKS Editors February 17, 2011

What is your favorite meal and why?

10 places to get it on

February 17, 2011

What is one way to spice up your life? Try one of these fun places on campus to get it on.1. LibraryThis place is full of fun and mystery. There are tons of nooks and empty aisles to mess around in. Try...

Soothing Songs Playlist: Relaxing tunes for a stressful day

February 17, 2011

Chris Akinyemi“Radio” Single This song is soothing in a way that makes you feel ready to take on the world, if you can figure that one out. It’s about as chill as music gets, but it’s also catchy...

10 things girls don’t understand about guys

February 17, 2011

1. Why don't you express yourself?I know that you guys don't like talking about your feelings and emotions but come on. You can't just do it once in a while for us? Don't you know it is not good to hold...


Opinion: “Food, Inc.” points out flaws in food industry and production

Laura Lofgren February 17, 2011

Laura Lofgren Laura Lofgren is the features/A.L.L. editor. Contact her at [email protected]. Every day, I wonder what the hell is in my food. This fun, new tick of mine stems from my recent viewing...

Photo illustration by Thomas Song.

Fork to spork, the evolution of utensils

Amy Cooknick February 17, 2011

Utensils are probably some of the most underrated and overlooked items in our day-to-day lives. Unless you find yourself trying to eat soup with a fork, it’s unlikely that you give much thought to the...


Radiohead’s new album releases Saturday

Laura Lofgren February 17, 2011

Photo by MCT Campus The buzz surrounding Radiohead’s new album release is loud and incessant online and in the coffee shops. Fans are impatiently waiting for some hacker to leak just one little, poorly...