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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & KSTV


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & KSTV


Hillary Rally

Clint Datchuk June 13, 2016

Kent State junior sociology major Richard Allen (right) and Cleveland State University student Robert Opsahl (left) protest by driving around the Cleveland Industrial Innovation Center, where Hillary Clinton...

Eric Lauer MLB Draft

Dave LaBelle June 10, 2016

Kent State's Eric Lauer , his mother, Carole, left and his sister and girlfriend and large crowd of excited supporters react after Lauer is chosen 25th overall in the first round of the MLB draft by the...

Humanities degree faces decrease but not at Kent State

Jillian Holness May 12, 2016

 *****embed video link into story (side note: this video is 10 minuets long so, it may not be useable.)A study done from the American Academy of Arts & Sciences declares...

Porthouse Theatre aims for funds from a Capital Campaign

Jack Kopanski May 7, 2016

The Capital CampaignThis summer’s season at Porthouse Theatre will have an added emphasis to go along with the three productions they are putting on. For this summer, the theatre is in the midst of a...

A commuity formed through Kent State Anime Society

Jillian Holness May 7, 2016

*** NOTE to copy editors: Rue Monroe is transgender and prefers "they" pronouns, so idk how the Stater works with that****** **** also, link to multimedia video the...

Slim diversity within Kent Sate’s dance program

Jack Kopanski May 7, 2016

Kent State University’s dance program holds only two African American students in the major – one male and one female.Devan Hayes, a senior dance major, is the one African American female in the dance...

Students concerned about cost of new CAED building

Adrian Leuthauser May 6, 2016

Kent State University has been working on the College of Architecture and Environmental Design since 2012 but now after four years of selection process and construction, the building will open for students...

Therapy dogs to return during finals week

Andrew Keiper May 6, 2016

The Kent State University library will host stress dog therapy from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. on Monday and Tuesday, May 9 and 10 , in the lobby on the first floor to offer some relaxation to students during finals...

Center for The Visual Arts building holds grand opening

Jailyn Menefee May 6, 2016

The Center for The Visuals Arts (CVA) held their grand opening ceremony for the new building on Friday, which included guest speakers, building tours and student exhibitions. “I am excited to see how...

DO NOT RUN PLZ: Students prepare for finals week stress

Adrian Leuthauser May 5, 2016

As classes for the spring semester wind down, students prepare to take on finals week and offer ways to de-stress.According to, many students will face some form of stress, while others...

Kent State University Gospel Choir sing with guest soloist Kishna Davis Fowler in their performance of “Bless Me” Wednesday May 4th, 2016.

Gospel choir concludes May 4 remembrance

Keri Richmond May 4, 2016

The Kent State University Gospel Choir (KSUGC) wrapped up May 4 events with its annual spring concert on Wednesday evening.Linda Walker founded KSUGC in 1996.At the open of the concert, Walker said, “We...

Hillel May 4

Nikos Frazier May 4, 2016

Gathering around the rock on front campus, members of Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity and Hillel at Kent State hold six candles on Wednesday, May 4, 2016. The six candles symbolized one million Jews that perished...