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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & KSTV


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & KSTV


Aramark Catering Event

February 6, 2018

Aramark Catering Event

February 6, 2018

Kent State Budget for Kesterson Lawsuit

February 5, 2018

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Justin Timberlake Man of the Woods

REVIEW: Justin Timberlake goes back to his roots in ‘Man of the Woods’

Alex Novak February 5, 2018

Justin Timberlake is back and officially put everyone on notice that he’s changing things up.What a week it has been for the now 37-year-old pop icon, celebrating his birthday in style with his brand...

Numbers to Know

February 4, 2018

22Still no traces of missing oil tankerA group of 22 Indian nationals are still missing after the oil tanker they worked in disappeared near the West coast of Africa.116Two dead, many injured in Amtrak...

Cheers and Jeers

February 4, 2018

Cheers to… cheating? Hasbro seems to have found a new target audience. The company is releasing a version of Monopoly that rewards those who can cheat without getting caught. Sounds like fun!Jeers to…...

SIDEBAR: Follow the money: Important figures in Kent State’s fight against the Kesterson lawsuit

February 2, 2018

$605,000: How much KSU has budgeted for legal representation in the Lauren Kesterson lawsuit.$325,000: How much KSU has budgeted for the suit this fiscal year (since July 2017).$170,488.83: How much KSU...