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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & KSTV


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & KSTV


Exterior of Water Street Tavern on South Water Street

October 5, 2020

Water Street Tavern“Water Street is doing the same thing [as The Zephyr],” in terms of having a good plan and taking a head count, Smith said. “It’s not a free-for-all. They have a sit-down service,...

Nike Run Club

Staying fit in college during the pandemic and winter months

Megan Medfisch Health and Fitness reporter October 5, 2020

With winter approaching and an expected increase in COVID-19 cases, students can stay healthy from home through campus virtual services and online applications.While health precautions are taken in gyms,...

FlashStocks 10/4

October 5, 2020

Email Newsletter Sign-Up

October 4, 2020

#mc_embed_signup{background:#fff; clear:left; font:14px Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif; } /* Add your own Mailchimp form style overrides in your site stylesheet or in this style block. ...

Ohio Gov. Mike Dewine said that he has not been contacted by the White House about potential Covid-19 exposure in his state after President Donald Trump tested positive for the virus days after his Cleveland debate.

DeWine says White House did not contact him about possible Covid-19 exposure to Ohioans after Trump diagnosis

Chandelis Duster, CNN October 4, 2020

(CNN) -- Ohio Gov. Mike DeWine said Sunday that he has not been contacted by the White House about potential Covid-19 exposure in his state after President Donald Trump tested positive for the virus days...

How to register to vote in Ohio

October 4, 2020

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White House physician Dr. Sean Conley giving an update to the press about President Donald Trump's health as he is being treated at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center for Covid-19 on Oct. 3.

Doctors: Trump’s blood oxygen level dropped twice recently

BETHESDA, Md. (AP) — President Donald Trump’s blood oxygen level dropped suddenly twice in recent days, but he “has continued to improve” since then, the White House physician said Sunday, adding...

Student COVID Testing

Chris Ramos October 2, 2020

Students wait in line outside the Center for Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement for free COVID-19 testing offered by the Ohio National Guard on Friday, Oct. 2.  

Student COVID Testing

Chris Ramos October 2, 2020

Students social distance as they wait in line for free COVID-19 tests at the Center for Philanthropy and Alumni Engagement on Friday, Oct. 2. Select dorms on campus were picked to receive the free testing.  

Student COVID Testing

Chris Ramos October 2, 2020

Freshman architecture major Aaron Rombach receives a PCR test by the Ohio Pandemic Testing Team on Friday, Oct. 2. The Ohio National Guard teamed up with Kent State and offered mass testing at the Center...

Election 2020 Debate

Morry Gash October 2, 2020

Left to right: First lady Melania Trump, President Donald Trump, Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden and his wife Jill Biden, stand on stage following the conclusion of...

Trump’s age, health woes raise his risk for COVID-19 illness

President Donald Trump has several strikes against him — age, obesity, elevated cholesterol and being male — that could put him at greater risk of becoming seriously ill from the coronavirus infection...