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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & KSTV


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & KSTV



Opinion: The hall of shame

Mike Crissman September 27, 2011

Mike Crissman Mike Crissman is a junior newspaper journalism major and columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact him at [email protected]. Recent decisions by the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame and...


Opinion: Making a point in the wrong way

Raytevia Evans September 27, 2011

Raytevia Evans Raytevia Evans is a second-year graduate student studying magazine journalism and managing editor of KentWired. Contact her at [email protected]. The College Republicans club at University...

Our View: Satire when it’s called for

DKS Editorial Board September 26, 2011

The U.C. Berkeley College Republicans are hosting a satirical “Increase Diversity Bake Sale” today in protest of California Gov. Jerry Brown’s bill. The bill closely resembles Affirmative Action...

Our View: Is college really worth the cost?

DKS Editors September 26, 2011

When we graduate from Kent State, what will we have to show for it? Some may say that you spend somewhere near $80,000 just to receive a diploma. But that diploma is just a piece of paper – probably...


Opinion: The return of the Gleeks

Emily Perrott September 26, 2011

Emily Perrott Emily Perrott is a photojournalism and dance performance major. She is a columnist for the Daily Kent Stater.Contact her at [email protected]. The time has come for my favorite show to...


Opinion: The new face for Facebook

Seth Cohen September 26, 2011

Seth Cohen Seth Cohen is a senior magazine journalism major. Contact him at [email protected]. After classes, my daily routine is to get lunch and go to the library. Typically, this is what I like to...

Our View: “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” has no place in the military

DKS Editors September 25, 2011

Last Thursday’s Republican debate got heated when a few members of the crowd booed an openly gay soldier, Stephen Hill, when he asked whether he would have to hide his sexuality under a future, Republican...

Guest column: Davis execution raises question of U.S. morals

Maria Micholas September 24, 2011

Guest column via UWIRE in Washington Square NewsBanners pleading for justice to prevail in the case of Troy Davis waved vehemently outside the death-row prison in Jackson, Ga. 140-character-long tweets,...

Opinion: College for dummies

Opinion: What happens after death?

Robert Thomas Young September 24, 2011

Robert Thomas Young Robert Thomas Young is a senior philosophy and psychology major and columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact him at [email protected]. The answer you get depends on whom you...


Opinion: We can’t pay student-athletes

Jody Michael September 24, 2011

Jody Michael Jody Michael is a junior broadcast journalism major and columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact him at [email protected]. Some sports fans might have stumbled upon Taylor Branch’s...

Our View: Stand by what you say

DKS Editors September 22, 2011

The Stater staff gets quite a few “letters to the editor” every semester, and a common theme this semester has been for readers to send them in anonymously expecting them to be published. We have even...

Opinion: The weight of a weight joke on your shoulders, guys

Courtney Kerrigan September 22, 2011

Courtney Kerrigan Courtney Kerrigan is a senior magazine journalism major and senior enterprise reporter for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact her at [email protected]. A person’s weight has always been...