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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & KSTV


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & KSTV



Opinion: Porn stars now required to wrap it before they tap it

Elaina Sauber February 22, 2012

Elaina Sauber Elaina Sauber is a sophomore English major and a columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact her at [email protected]. Last month, Los Angeles mayor Antonio Villaraigosa signed a new law...

Guest Column: Atomic energy not the answer

Bryan Washington February 22, 2012

Once upon a time, nuclear energy was just a domineering question mark. Its variables, limits and potentials were only a matter of speculation, without any variables to draw from, and the more curious nations...

Our View: Pro-shoplifting policy gets ‘the boot’

DKS editors February 21, 2012

The Huffington Post ran a headline Sunday that read “American Apparel cracks down on shoplifting, loses hipster fans.”The lead? “Thieving hipsters, take note.”The article went on to describe how...

Letter to the Editor: Racial Insensitivity

Shelley Blundell February 21, 2012

Dear author of Monday, Feb. 20’s “Our View,”Within the Our View piece of Monday, Feb. 20, which discusses the atrocity of the racial slur used in the headline of an ESPN story about basketball player...

Our View: Offensive headline gets an ESPN employee fired

DKS editors February 20, 2012

If you go to ESPN’s website and type “Chink in the armor” in the search engine, the site transfers you to a message that reads “NOT FOUND:”That’s because the story...


Opinion: Leave contraception alone

Seth Cohen February 20, 2012

Seth Cohen Seth Cohen is a senior magazine journalism major and columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact him at [email protected]. In our nation’s history of successes, this type of talk and discussion...


Opinion: The drinking age is 21 in America for a reason

Taylor Miksic February 20, 2012

Taylor Miksic Taylor Miksic is a freshman news major and columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact her at [email protected]. I’m 19 years old and I am able to vote. I am also able to get married...

Guest Column: Teach for America doesn’t meet expectations

Sunny Strader February 20, 2012

Teach for America is kind of like communism: It’s terrific in theory but problematic in practice.The government-funded program employs elite college graduates to work in low-income community schools...

Guest Column: A green economy

Chloe S. Maxmin February 20, 2012

Environmental rhetoric is riddled with fluffy promises about green jobs, green economies, and green governments. These issues may seem simply nebulous and unimportant concepts. Yet the Massachusetts state...


Opinion: Setting a standard for human rights

Fiza Shah February 20, 2012

Fiza Shah Fiza Shah is a freshman news major and columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact her at [email protected]. “If you read these teachings [of Qur’an, Sunnah, and Hadith] and then read the...

Guest Column: U.S. Labor Department should update its standards to protect unpaid interns

Kimberly Grano February 17, 2012

As spring quarter approaches, many students will be scrambling to apply for those coveted intern positions that require them to work all summer — for no paycheck.In many fields, paid employment is becoming...


Opinion: It’s the small liberating moments that matter

Melissa Schwachenwald February 17, 2012

Melissa Schwachenwald Melissa Schwachenwald is a senior fine arts major and columnist for the Daily Kent Stater.Contact her at [email protected] As I dropped an unwanted class the other day, I had a...