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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & KSTV


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & KSTV


Letter to the Editor: Free speech and protesting

Mark Crowley April 8, 2012

As a parent and benefactor to five state universities in Ohio, I was fascinated by the way Dr. Lester Lefton described — in his poorly veiled French education scolding to my son and his fellow Kent State...

Guest column: Romney: On the wrong side of health care

Lorie Gantz April 8, 2012

With recent polling showing Mitt Romney trailing 41-52 to President Obama, voters have to wonder – what is the presumptive nominee thinking when it comes to women’s health care?Romney is really trying...

Guest Column: Clarifying Invisible Children

Lindsay Wheeler April 5, 2012

In the past few weeks, Facebook and Twitter have been blowing up with “Kony 2012” and criticisms of the organization called Invisible Children. Many say it is a scam; some people aren’t sure what...

Guest Column: Strip-search injustice

MCT April 5, 2012

The following editorial appeared in the Los Angeles Times on Wednesday, April 4:By a 5-4 vote, the Supreme Court ruled Monday that people arrested over traffic and other minor offenses can be strip searched...


Opinion: Skin cancer on the rise for American youth

Hank Venetta April 5, 2012

This is one piece of evidence alongside a variety of other studies done across the states that supports the same conclusion. Apparently, we’re going to tanning salons a bit too much, and more people...

Our View: Squat and cough. Spread your cheeks.

DKS Editors April 5, 2012

The Supreme Court ruled Monday 5-to-4 that anyone admitted to a jail, no matter the offense, can be strip searched.The New York Times reported Justice Anthony Kennedy, representing the conservative majority,...

Our View: The importance of viewing ‘Bully’

DKS Editors April 3, 2012

It wasn’t too long ago that most of us were standing on a playground somewhere.It probably isn’t a stretch to say that the majority of us, at one point or another, witnessed someone being bullied or...


Opinion: Insert penny pun headline here

Andrew Paulsen April 3, 2012

Andrew Paulsen Andrew Paulsen is a senior electronic media production major and columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact him at [email protected]. There’s nothing quite as satisfying as paying...


Opinion: America: Still the beacon of hope and freedom in the world?

Robert Thomas Young April 3, 2012

Robert Thomas Young Robert Thomas Young is a senior philosophy major and columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact him at [email protected]. More than one in 10 Americans is out of work. Government...

Guest Columnist: Teachers under the morality microscope

Jonathan Turley April 3, 2012

In February, a Philadelphia high school teacher was suspended because of a posting to her blog in which she complained that her students sometimes acted like “rude, disengaged, lazy whiners.” In May,...


Opinion: The Republicans just aren’t going to win

Bruce Walton April 3, 2012

Bruce Walton Bruce Walton is a freshman news major and columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact him at [email protected]. Now that Romney received the most delegates on Tuesday from Wisconsin, Maryland...


Opinion: Putting a face to a product

Elaina Sauber April 2, 2012

Elaina Sauber Elaina Sauber is a sophomore English major and columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact her at [email protected] This past Christmas, I was given a colorful beaded necklace. Attached...