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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & KSTV


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & KSTV


Opinion: Black United Students’ thoughts on Ferguson

The ongoing situation in Ferguson, Missouri and concurrent deaths of black citizens at the hand of law enforcement prompts needed discussion and action. We believe emphasis should be placed on the fact...

Carley Hull is a senior magazine journalism major. Contact her at

Opinion: Racism’s not dead, but are we seeking it?

Carley Hull August 27, 2014

Unfortunately racism is far from over in America. With the recent shooting of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri by white police officer Darren Wilson, tensions are high. Although...

Our view: Chill out, professors

Stater editors August 27, 2014

A professor at a Georgia college recently banned and penalized his students from saying “bless you” in class, considering anything similar a disruption of his teaching. As students are heading back...

Neville Hardman

Opinion: Pop song perpetuates racial stereotypes

Neville Hardman August 26, 2014

Taylor Swift continues a cheap streak of writing songs about others, but this time it’s directed at a larger audience. Her new single and music video, “Shake It Off,” launched on Aug. 18 — but...

Opinion: To Greek, or not to Greek?

Skyler Chill August 26, 2014

So you made it to Kent State, you survived your first days of class, and you met many new faces. Now what? The only thing left to do is find something to get involved with. Being on a campus with so much...

Our view: Keep the ALS Ice Bucket Challenges coming

Stater editors August 25, 2014

The past few weeks have been full of Ice Bucket Challenge after Ice Bucket Challenge. Our Facebook and Instagram feeds are becoming tiresome as friends post video after video, but we’re here to say that...

Katie Smith is a senior public relations major and columnist for the Kent Stater. Contact her at

Opinion: Leaving Kent State for bigger world studying abroad

Katie Smith August 25, 2014

If you read my last column, you’re probably pretty confused, but hear me out. Kent State University is a great place to learn, but I never truly appreciated it until I left my sophomore year to study...

Our view: ESPN, rethink your priorities

Kent Stater editors August 24, 2014

ESPN anchor Neil Everett was clearly upset by his network’s excessive coverage of Johnny Manziel and Braxton Miller and the lack of coverage of Jason Bitsko’s death.In a rare moment for any professional...

Tyler Kieslich is a sports reporter for The Kent Stater. Contact him at

Opinion: Grieving with a hashtag

Tyler Kieslich August 24, 2014

Since its launch in 2006, Twitter has become part of the everyday human experience for hundreds of millions of users. When something important happens, most people find out about it through Twitter. And...

Letter from the editor: New semester, new Stater

Audrey Fletcher August 24, 2014

The end of August brings the excitement of a new school year. As students, we return to campus, face new challenges and find intriguing opportunities.A web-and-mobile-first world is the challenge The Kent...

Jennifer Hutchinson is a sophomore political science major and columnist for the Kent Stater. Contact her at

Opinion: President’s foreign policy game under par

Jennifer Hutchinson August 24, 2014

“We will be vigilant and we will be relentless…to see that justice is done.” This is what President Barack Obama said one day after the beheading of James Foley by the terrorist group, ISIS. What...

Opinion: Why ‘Gen Ed’ credits need to become a thing of the past

Maggie Wachtel August 24, 2014

General Education or “Gen Ed” credits are something that is a requirement at colleges across America. Here at Kent State, we call them Kent Core classes. All students are required to have six credit...