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The independent news website of The Kent Stater & KSTV


The independent news website of The Kent Stater & KSTV


Flashes Vote Festival works to encourage student voter registration

Flashes Vote Festival works to encourage student voter registration

Addison Foreman, Reporter October 9, 2023

  The Flashes Vote Festival brought student organizations together Monday afternoon to help students get registered to vote for the upcoming Nov. 7 election.  Jessica Starkey, Undergraduate...

Exterior of a building

Cake pops from Daisy Pops keeps eating dessert first on top

Lex Ogilvie, Reporter October 9, 2023

When walking through the front door of Daisy Pops in Kent, customers are greeted by decorative and colorful desserts with scents of batter and frosting that gives the shop its unique character. Amy...

Senior psychology major Khayla Powell-Boyer (front left) studies with friends at the Kent State University library.

Working five to nine: a glimpse into today’s college student life

Isabella Schreck, Editor-in-Chief October 9, 2023

Most mornings, Khayla Powell-Boyer gets dressed for class in her car – or in a Wendy’s bathroom.  After completing her 5 a.m. shift as a shift manager at Wendy’s, the full-time Kent State student...

A collection of VHS tapes, DVDs and CDs of classic childhood Disney movies.

Disney and Warner Bros.: Two rivals sharing one milestone anniversary in 2023

Adriana Gasiewski, Staff Reporter October 8, 2023

This year marks the 100th anniversaries of The Walt Disney Company and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc., and across generations, the two studios created a lasting impact of fond memories over the century. As...

Tinder is a popular app used for online dating.

Students recount their experiences on dating apps

Kaitlyn Mitchell, Reporter October 8, 2023

As of fall of 2023, Kent State boasts an enrollment of 25,283 students on its main campus. While this presents a large pool of potential relationship partners, students may find it overwhelming to navigate...

Charlie Hughes is a member of Kent State’s Esports VALORANT team.

Esports team motivates players to raise the bar

Molly Hoffer and Digital Tech October 7, 2023

When Charlie Hughes, a senior computer engineering technology major, looks out at the fans watching his game and holding up signs cheering him and the other players on, he feels motivated to do his best....

The Kent State Recreation and Wellness Center, located at 1550 Ted Boyd Dr, Kent, OH.

Student Recreation and Wellness Center plans to add instructional videos to equipment

Janson McNair, Photo Assistant October 7, 2023

The Student Recreation and Wellness Center will add QR codes with instructional videos to its workout equipment to increase students’ comfort using the machines. Dominque Hill, the assistant dean...

(From left to right) Students Zee Ringler (He/They) and Sienna Jepsen (She/Her) show their pride and prepare to race in last year’s “Rainbow Run” 5k.

Third-annual ‘Rainbow Weekend’ prepares to bring pride to Kent

Willow Jernigan, Reporter October 7, 2023

Rainbow Weekend will come back to Downtown Kent Oct. 13 and 14, where Main Street Kent, local businesses and the university’s LGBTQ+ Center will coordinate events for the community to celebrate acceptance...

 Loren Culp is a sophomore General Business major and Japanese minor.

Students share their perspective on sustainability in their majors, lives

Ella Katona, Reporter October 6, 2023

Three students preparing to work in fields where talks of sustainability are prevalent discussed their own sustainability habits, such as buying second-hand clothing, and their experience with talks of...

Sandra Austhof and Susan Lettieri show the box they welcome mothers with prenatal vitamins, ready-made soup and more.

Hudson church launches organization to support pregnant and parenting mothers

Audrey Trevarthan, Digital Assistant October 6, 2023

St. Mary Catholic Church in Hudson opened local resources for pregnant and parenting mothers in need in early September when they started a Walking with Moms in Need Ministry. The idea for the organization...

An afterthought: addressing the earthquakes in Morocco

Adriana Gasiewski, Staff Reporter October 6, 2023

The earthquakes that occurred last month in Morocco have prompted some university professors to think about the lasting impacts and what could have been done to mitigate the damage. Ikram Toumi, an...

People enjoy a day in downtown Kent on October 5, 2023.

Local activities for students spending fall break in Kent

Kayla Gleason, Reporter October 5, 2023

For many students, going home for fall break is not an option, but there are many activities on or around campus for students looking for fun ways to spend their time off. Check out the food, drinks and...