Campus life to be improved by new committee

Several departments without student advising and improvement committees may soon have a group to represent them.

Undergraduate Student Senate approved a motion to table a new bill that would create the Student Input and Advisory Commission (SIAC). The bill was presented by Benjamin Feld, senator for student advancement, and Kourtney Wolfgang, senator for research and development.

Members of the SIAC would include Wolfgang, Feld, two at-large members and one representative each from Black United Students, the Inter-Greek Programming Board, Kent Interhall Council, PRIDE!Kent and the Commuter and Off-Campus Student Organization.

During discussion, Feld said the student organizations involved were chosen because they “help make the committee most diverse.”

USS Executive Director Ross Miltner said contact with the heads of several departments showed the need for such a committee.

“It’s going to hopefully help improve campus life for students,” Miltner said.

Also at the meeting, BUS Programming Director Carla Smith presented BUS’ program analysis for its most recent program, which brought two cast members from the FX reality show “Black. White.,” to campus last week.

Smith discussed advertising and attendance. She said students who attended were satisfied with the event.

“We wanted everyone who came and participated in the event to walk away with a unique experience,” she said.

Smith presented because of a new policy for student organizations that receive funds from the Allocations Committee. Following the event, a representative from the organization now has to go to a USS meeting to present an analysis about the event.

Sean Groves, senator for business and finance, said the new policy “presents accountability for student organizations that receive funding (from the Allocations Committee).”

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