Honors college students to host legislative workshop

A class of student from the Honors College will be conducting a Legislative Theater Workshop, a democratic, theatrical way of creating laws and polices, on Wednesday in the Oscar Ritchie multi-purpose room.

The workshop is a part of the 2014 Symposium on Democracy, a three-day event featuring many speakers and lectures, including a keynote address by American documentarian Ken Burns.

The symposium will run from April 22 to 24 and is hosted by Katherine Burke, an instructor in the School of Theater and Dance. This year’s theme is the Voices of the American Experience.

The Legislative Theater play will discuss real, current and local problems. At the conclusion, students and other attendees can join in the play and help determine the outcome.  

The class putting on the production is the Democracy Symposium, which is a special honors topics class.

Victoria Bocchicchio, director of academic programs for the Honors College, helped create the course.

“We created a class that is team-taught this semester,” Bocchicchio said. “The students have been doing readings around the issue of democracy from a wide variety of disciplines.”

The workshop will display the class’s learning’s in a wide variety of ways, said Aaron Hanlin, coordinator of admissions for the Honors College.

“Our honors students are working with our faculty members in theater to present a legislative theater workshop that’s supposed to be highly interactive and participatory,” Hanlin said. “There is a lot of people who are involved in this course, with five or six other different faculty members. It’s very interesting.”

Contact Drew Jones at djone114@kent.edu.