Latinos in Rural America exhibit comes to Oscar Ritchie

The Latinos in Rural America, a traveling exhibit, will be open to the public within the Uumbaji Exhibit in Oscar Ritchie Hall from Oct. 3 to Oct. 21.

Clara Román-Odio, a Spanish professor and director of the Latino/a studies program at Kenyon College, undertook the exhibit with the help of Amelia Dunnell and Patricia Mota, both Spanish majors at Kenyon, according to the website dedicated to the exhibit. LiRA travels all over the country informing people of the life of Latino immigrants and their families.

Though the exhibit focuses on Latinos in rural Ohio, it also highlights the Latin heritage and culture.

All together, LiRA has three distinct elements; a video showing Latinos talking about their lives, “Ten (photographs with bilingual captions) that provide snapshots into the lives of Latino families in Knox County,” and a reflection where audience members can give feedback on the exhibit and how they feel after seeing it, states the college’s website.

Kenyon College’s website states that the exhibit, “is a public humanities project designed to broaden knowledge, engagement and understanding of the Latino/a experience in rural Ohio.”

An opening reception will take place from 5-7 p.m. on Oct. 6.

Samantha Karam is a diversity reporter, contact her at