Safety Graph (not for website)
KSU Police department:
• Emergencies: 911
• Non-emergency: 330-672- 3070
Kent Police Department
• Non emergency: 330- 673-7732
Off-campus resources
• Akron YWCA Rape Crisis Center: 330- 253-6131
• University Hospital Kent Health Center Emergency Room: (330) 677-7680
• Town II (local RAINN affiliate organization) 24/7 Helpline: 330-678-4357
• KSU SART (Sexual Assault Response Team): 330-672-8016
• KSU Nurse Line (24/7): 330-672-2326
• The Hotline (National Domestic Violence Hotline): 1-800-799-7233
• RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network)1-800-656-4673
Residence safety services
• Escort Service: 330-672-7004
• Police and Fire: 330-672-2212
Security Aides and ESCORTS
The security aide program on campus is composed of about 65 trained students who are employed by the Department of Residence Services.
Security aides patrol the residence halls and provide campus escorts for students who want to be escorted on campus from one point to another instead of walking alone across campus.
Aides are on duty from 8 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. Sunday through Wednesday, and from 8:00 p.m. to 4:00 a.m. Thursday through Saturday.
To get an escort contact the Security Aide Dispatcher at 27004 or ask a security aide.
Campus Police
The Kent State University Police Department is fully accredited and received numerous national awards in recent years.
According to its website, the “award-winning” department is “one of the first nationally accredited law enforcement agencies in Ohio,” by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA), and only the second university police force to be accredited in the nation.
In 2013, the university created the Office of Sexual and Relationship Violence Support Services, or SRVSS, to provide resources for those affected by violent relationships.
Each academic year, the SRVSS office, in collaboration with the Wom-en’s Center, also sponsors or hosts awareness and educational events like Walk a Mile in Their Shoes, Take Back the Night, One Billion Rising and the Clothesline Project.
In 2014, the SRVSS office began a campus-wide program called Green Dot. Designed to prevent assaults, the program aims to teach bystander strategies — moments of trouble that could be prevented by taking action to prevent an assault from occurring.
Safety Threatline
Kent State offers an anonymous hotline for students to leave voicemail messages who want to report any kind of harassment, physical harm, suspicious behavior or individuals on campus or report information related to criminal activity.
Students can call (330) 672-SAFE (7233) 24 hours a day or submit an online form on the Department of Public Safety website.
Threatline is an anonymous messaging tool used to tell the Kent State University Police about non-urgent suspicious, concerning or disruptive activity occurring on the KSU campus.
Voice and e-mail messages will not be heard or read until the next regularly scheduled Kent State University business day (Monday-Friday 9:00am-5:00pm). Because of this, it should not be used for reporting immediate threats or emergencies.
You can complete a Threatline submission by calling 330-672-SAFE(7233) and leaving an anonymous voicemail message
All students, both incoming and returning, can register for Flash ALERTS through the university’s website. This free text messaging sys- tem will send out period alerts relat- ed to fire alarms, building closings, threats on campus and severe weather alerts such as tornado warnings.