If people feel like they are being disrespected, don’t promote mascot
Dear Editor:
Before I came to Kent State I had always attended predominantly white schools, and although Kent is a predominantly white school, it definitely has more diversity than any other place I’ve ever been.
However, something that I’ve never experienced, despite always being in the minority, is the narrow-mindedness with which some people choose to treat minorities.
Recently, a letter by a student was posted in the Forum telling a Native American person to “get over it,” describing a need to let go of the misdeeds of the past. While you cannot dwell in the past, you certainly should never tell someone to get over cruelty, such as that done to many minorities in this very country.
I wonder how the author of the letter would feel if someone came to her grandparents’ home, took all that they had, gave them diseases and then said they would allow them to remain on the property by living in the backyard of the home.
It is ironic that all of this seems to have started because of a team mascot’s name, but this example displays the disregard that people in our society show in such issues.
The fact that we have teams using disrespectful terms for mascots is disappointing. It may not be used in a derogatory manner, but if those who are defined by it feel disrespected, then why continue to promote the usage of the term?
Sometimes, it is just not possible to understand what others have been through, but if you do not understand, at least sympathize and have respect for that person.
Geoffrey IkpeamaSenior psychology major
Religious tolerance essential, though acceptance cannot exist
Dear Editor:
This letter is in response to the article “Breaking Down the Walls of Faith” in Monday’s Stater. Religious tolerance is essential. There is no reason I, as a Christian, can’t be friends with Sarah, who is Jewish. We both know what the other believes and are as staunch in our beliefs now as the day we met.
Religious acceptance cannot exist. Sarah believes that Jews alone are God’s chosen people. I believe that you must trust Jesus, God’s Son, to enter heaven. I have bet my life on the fact that I am saved through faith in Jesus Christ and pray every day that the people I care about will do the same.
The Koran warns unbelievers to “be on your guard against the fire of which men and stones are fuel.” All of us believe that we are right and the others are wrong. All of us believe this is where our eternal security rests. There is no way to reconcile our beliefs to one another and “accept” another’s belief as valid as our own.
Don’t be surprised when others believe they know the truth and you believe a lie. Tolerance will lead us to be friends, good co-workers and to live in peace. Forced acceptance requires disregarding foundational beliefs of many religions and leads to misunderstanding and concealed resentment.
Betsy SengSenior psychology major