Ravenna electorate passes both issues

In a Portage County emergency election in Ravenna, both the Ravenna city issue and the Ravenna township issue passed yesterday.

The Ravenna city 0.02 percent income tax increase passed 1,294 to 1,171, raising the city tax to 2 percent. Ravenna Council President Kevin Poland said the money will primarily go to police, fire and EMS services.

This was the second time the issue was on the ballot.

The Ravenna township 6.5 mill levy for education passed 2,251 to 2,028. Jerry Myers, treasurer for the Ravenna School District, said although the school will still have to make cuts, the levy will allow the school board to look into reinstating the nearly 20 positions lost due to cuts. He also said, because the levy passed, busing will be able to maintain its current routes.

This was the third consecutive levy Ravenna Schools tried to pass. The last two were for 4.5 mill.

— Charles Cook


Streetsboro further tightens budget

Streetsboro City Schools, Windham Exempted Village and Crestwood Local School District all had their issues defeated in yesterday’s voting.

Streetsboro’s bond issue for a new high school lost with 68 percent of the votes against the issue and 32 percent for it.

Windham also lost with 57.2 percent of the votes against an operation levy.

Crestwood’s levy failed, with 58 percent of the voters against it.

Crestwood will now have to cut school transportation to the state minimum, which means eliminating all busing for high school students.

Crestwood will also initiate a pay-to-play program for athletics and, eventually, all extracurricular activities.

Windham, which is already operating under minimum transportation requirements, will start pay-to-play fees for athletics. The district will cut almost 10 faculty positions.

Streetsboro’s Board of Education will meet tomorrow to discuss where to go next.

“The existing high school is no longer a viable place to get a good 21st century education,” said Tom Giovangnoli, Streetsboro City Schools superintendent.

—Matt Fredmonsky