Benjamin Pearce
Director of Business and Finance Candidate
Q: What is your platform?
A: “During my time at Kent State, I have been on the board of three student organizations, serving in such positions as Treasurer and Vice President. With an intimate understanding of the inner workings of student organizations, I was inspired to find a way to help the entire student body, which pushed me to apply for a position on the Allocations Committee. I was excited to have the opportunity to serve as Vice-Chairman of the USG Allocations Committee during the 2019-2020 academic year. In this position I gained firsthand experience of the procedures and purposes of the Allocations Committee. I’ve seen these processes improve, and if I am elected Director of Business and Finance, I will do my best to continue the successes Allocations has helped to bring about this year and I will do my best to improve upon them.”
Q: What should people vote for you?
A: “As Director of Business and Finance, I will:
Make allocations even more visible to students and increase awareness of these resources. As far too many students are unaware of how Allocations can facilitate their academic endeavors, I plan on going to the students, meeting with clubs and student organizations to take a more active role in marketing Allocations.
Work to engage the underclassmen of Kent State University to foster an atmosphere of involvement and excitement.
Collaborate with the other Directors, Senators, and Committees of USG to advise them on how they can best make use of Student Government finances.”
Q: What changes are you looking to enact?
A: “Throughout my time at Kent State I have been grateful for the many opportunities I’ve had to explore and develop interests and skills. I envision a future Kent State where every undergraduate student will feel empowered to pursue their interests and passions, and I would love to have the opportunity to head the committee that has the power to make so many of these dreams possible. I sincerely ask for your vote on March 10th and 11th.”