Psi Chi is trying to take a more friendly approach

Psi Chi, the National Honor Society in Psychology, is looking to make its meetings less intimidating and more student-friendly. Psi Chi’s newly elected co-presidents, senior psychology majors Kelly Bako and Morgan Shanafelt are attempting to socially reinvent the group.

“I know that when I went into it initially, it was kind of intimidating,” Shanafelt said.

The next Psi Chi meeting is 3:30 p.m. Monday in room 304 of the Kent Hall Annex.

Plans include more social activities, like movie nights, where students gather to watch a movie and then have a discussion about the movie’s psychological themes afterward.

Some new academic ideas Shanafelt and Bako have are field trips and volunteer events, as well as a “mentoring” program, which would pair Psi Chi members together so they can motivate each other. The idea came from Shanafelt’s and Bako’s own experience.

“(The members) seem more excited about coming to the meetings,” Shanafelt said. “I can tell that people feel more comfortable.”

Though Psi Chi membership has some specific criteria, anyone is welcome to come to meetings, Bako said.

Students interested in membership must have nine hours of psychology coursework completed, a declared major or minor in psychology and a 3.0 GPA both cumulative and in their psychology classes, as well as pay one-time membership dues of $30.

—Jordan Jacobs

Songfest performers to sing to benefit Hattie Larlham

The Inter-Greek Programming Board’s Songfest is “guaranteed to be a good time,” Songfest Chair Stephanie Hohman said.

The annual friendly competition between the Greek community is being held at 7 p.m. tomorrow in the Student Center Ballroom. The event is open to the public, and admission is free.

All attendees can make a donation to Hattie Larlham, a center that provides services to children with mental retardation and developmental disabilities, by purchasing raffle tickets. Raffle prizes consist of donations by local movie theaters, bowling alleys and restaurants.

Hohman, an Alpha Xi Delta member, said the event consists of “a lot of singing and a lot of dancing.” The programming board and Hohman match each sorority with two or three fraternities. Each team is required to comply with this year’s theme, “One Word,” by finding three songs that all contain one similar word. Each group is required to sing the songs, while performing a choreographed dance. A winner will be announced at the end of the evening.


—Carrie Rupp

Impact Movement to host ‘Chainbreaker 2005’ tonight

It’s like a Christian Lollapalooza — with a lot more soul. The Impact Movement, Shepherd’s Pastor for All Nations Ministries and Salem Communications will host The Chainbreaker 2005 at 7 tonight in the Kent State Ballroom.

Janet Corey and Ronny Knight, the Supa Saint from 107.9, will host the eclectic evening events. Among the entertainers are the Voices of Testimony gospel choir, Mars Hill, the comedic antics of Big Mike, the poetry of Niecy Dee, a performance from the S.P.A.N. drama team, the miming talents of Tears of Purpose, the praise dance group Real, the step team Church House Rock and the hip-hop group Soul Suhvivahz.

“Basically, what we’re trying to do is create a sense of pride in being a Christian,” said Danielle Wagner, a member of S.P.A.N. Ministries in Tallmadge. “The other goal is to let people know they can use their unique talent to praise God.”

The event is free for everyone, including those who are not students.

—Steven Harbaugh

Summit County Red Cross to host CPR training day

The American Red Cross of Summit County is hosting CPR Saturday tomorrow. The Red Cross will be teaching CPR at 15 different locations for only $15 and hopes to train 500 people, said Jackie Zavodney, communications specialist with the American Red Cross of Summit County.

The American Red Cross of Summit County is also hosting its second annual Walk of Lights 6:30 p.m. March 11 to commemorate the battle of Solferino and the start of the International Red Cross. The walk will start at Highland Square in Akron and end at the American Red Cross building on 501 W. Market St.

Zavodney said 350 people participated in the walk last year and the Red Cross hopes to attract more this year.

“It’s nice. Everyone gets a glowstick, and all the businesses along the walk put up a red cross on their building for all of us to see,” Zavodney said.

For more information, visit the American Red Cross of Summit County Web site at

—Jessica Sprowl