Great things in America came from Europe

Dearest Editor:

I’m writing in response to the delusions of wisdom held by Tony Cox in April 6’s Point/Counterpoint section. Mr. Cox thinks that opinions against the United States are unfounded and are manifested through misinterpreting the American way of life. He is wrong. It has been my experience in talking to many European immigrants that the reason there is any animosity towards America lies in our country’s foreign policy: Specifically, our invading Iraq and the fact that we re-elected a president who sent us to war under false pretenses. (In some places, invading a country for no reason is considered a war crime.)

Europeans get to see (through media stations that didn’t contribute to the Republican campaign) the carnage that we are inflicting in Iraq. We have killed thousands of innocent people, and the images of the remains are testament. This has nothing to do with “sour grapes;” this has to do with a group of people standing up against the death of innocent people.

He goes on and on about all these different facets that he believes make America superior to Europe, and I hardly have the space in a single letter to point out where his logic is flawed in each one. However, I will say this to Mr. Cox: Next time you go to the doctor’s office, remember that it was a European, Hippocrates, who laid the foundation of medicine. When you read philosophy, understand that the basis of Western thought was born in Europe. When you speak English, realize that it wasn’t created in the United States. When you marvel at the United States’ military abilities, know that Sparta and Rome were there before it. If you ever look at the Constitution, realize that our fore fathers were pulling from the ideas of great European minds. When you go to the voting booth and cast your ballot, know that it was Europeans who thought of it first. You don’t care what Europeans have to say? You are a bigoted ingrate. Change your major.

Themos Politis

Senior integrated life sciences major

and Greek American


Spring is here, the sun is shining, so don’t litter

Dear Editor:

Ah, spring is here! And with the warm weather comes the sense of community that’s been so painfully absent these past months. Sun-starved students crawl out of their foxholes armed with Frisbees and balls of every shape and size. The dreary sidewalks are made beautiful again by various student organizations’ chalkings. Guys with puppies and guitars patrol the area, hoping to catch the attention of sunbathers scattered across the fields. And as much as I’ve missed all this, it certainly has its downsides.

As a Tri-Towers resident and an unabashed night-owl, I witness firsthand the carnage left behind by the day-long extravaganza. It’s like the entire contents of Rosie’s are tossed outside and left to rot. Raccoons rejoice! Empty bottles, cups, Styrofoam boxes, cigarette butts and just about anything else imaginable can be found right here, in the litter hall of fame conveniently located just outside the Tri-Towers for all to see. Just the other night I saw a few guys decide it was funny to add a couple dozen phone books to the heap, too. I’m sure the cleaning staff had a good laugh, too.

Now I understand that littering is cool and that picking up your trash inhibits your ability to get laid, but please — for the sake of the vast minority who disagree — just pick up your trash. It’s true that we don’t have the most awe-inspiring campus, but that’s no justification for trashing it even more. Maybe the reason Kent State is so ugly is because when the place isn’t covered in mud or snow, it’s covered in our own filth.

Remember, this is Kent: nice days are a luxury around here. Please do your part not to piss them away.

Danny McLaughlin

Sophomore integrated social studies major