Dear Editor:
Honor is defined as, “a keen sense of right and wrong; adherence to principles considered right: as, to behave with honor.” This is word for word from Webster’s New World Dictionary.
Respect is defined as, “To feel or show honor or esteem for.” Again, from Webster’s Dictionary.
Knowing these two words, can any true American use them to describe President Trump, his cabinet members, his administration, or the Republican minions in The U.S. House and U.S. Senate? Is it honor and respect from our President Trump when he is guilty of dishonoring the name and long time service of U.S. Senator John McCain? With just this one single example of Trump’s dishonoring and disrespecting Senator McCain, a prisoner of war, a war that American soldiers should have never been sent to fight and die in. Absolutely no one has the right to speak ill of any soldier who had to go into that chaos and butchery! I thank god that I was too young to be drafted and sent into that. I thank god that I didn’t have to request a medical deferment as, I believe, did our dear Commander-in-Chief of The Armed Forces President Donald Trump. I believe, with all my heart, that it is so sickening, so ironic, that Donald Trump is The Commander-in-Chief of these United States.
I will close with the quote by the Union of Soviet Scholiasts Republic (Communist Russian) leader Nikita Khrushchev, “We will take America without firing a shot.” Trump / Putin? ‘Those who don’t learn from history are doomed to repeat it!’