KIC and USS discuss new residence hall position
Undergraduate Student Senate addressed issues and concerns yesterday with a representative of the Kent Interhall Council.
KIC President Traci Sanders attended USS’s meeting to discuss Undergraduate Student Government’s newly added residence hall senator position and how it would relate to the responsibilities held currently by KIC.
“I want to bring the information back to residence hall services,” Sanders said.
Sanders said the questions, which included the specific duties of the residence hall senator, current USS meeting attendance and the overall restructuring of USG, were raised by students who attended Tuesday night’s KIC meeting.
“Their job is to advocate to USG,” said John Wetmore, senator for governmental affairs, of the residence hall senator’s responsibilities. “KIC would serve their interests on a more day-to-day basis.”
Members of USS expressed an interest in having more of a dialogue with members of other student organizations.
“If people have concerns, come talk to us,” said Mike Hammond, senator for research and development. “That’s what we’re here for.”
Other items discussed included a voter registration drive, which will be held in the Student Center on Feb. 27 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., and the upcoming USG candidate application, which is due Friday at 5 p.m.
-Jenna Staul