Springer will talk politics

Talk show host makes second Kent State visit

Kent State students will have the opportunity to see a very familiar face from daytime television on campus Feb. 21: Jerry Springer.

Springer, a former mayor of Cincinnati, will be on campus to talk politics with students. And while many may find Springer an odd choice to lecture about political participation and activism, Patrick Burke, College Democrats president, said the talk show host is a perfect fit.

“He’s a person who can reach out to this generation,” Burke said. “A lot of people recognize him from the show, and he is politically involved and informed.”

The event will take place at 2 p.m. in the Kiva. It will be free to attend. Chris Redfern, Ohio Democratic Party chair, will introduce Springer.

The College Democrats will be hosting and co-sponsoring the event with the Portage County Democrats. Burke said he hopes Springer’s presence on campus will help raise more interest in the group and the political process as a whole.

“We’re hoping this encourages people to come out to our meetings,” Burke said. “There have been celebrities on campus before. We’re hoping that this will get the word out that the College Democrats are cool.”

Springer previously spoke at Kent State in 2004, and his lecture on Feb. 21 will be a part of several speaking engagements at other universities.

“He wants to come back because of the good relationship he has with Kent State,” Burke said.

Burke said the event will be discussed with members of the College Democrats at the group’s meeting tomorrow at 9 p.m. in the Student Center. Burke, who said he is “very excited” to meet the famous television personality, said the group’s membership will be present at the lecture and will possibly be registering students to vote.

“We’re hoping that the advertising we’ll be doing will get students interested,” Burke said. “We’re hoping to fill the Kiva.”

Contact student politics reporter Jenna Staul at jstaul@kent.edu.