‘Rocky Horror’ to play in the Ratt tonight
The All-Campus Programming Board is sponsoring a showing of the cult classic The Rocky Horror Picture Show tonight, complete with a costume contest, prizes and live music.
The event begins at 9 p.m. in the Rathskeller with a performance by The Zou, who describe their sound on their Web site as an indie-rock mix of “bluesy art rock and Beatle-pop with theatrical harmonies and dashes of bluegrass.” Then punk-screamo band Scarlet Fever will take the stage.
The costume contest starts at 11:30 p.m. and prizes will be awarded for the best and most creative drag-wear. Participants will be competing for free bowling, movie tickets, and a $15 gift certificate to Mike’s Place.
At midnight, the movie starts and free prop bags, containing rice and bits of paper will be given to the audience to throw around.
“We’re basically making the Rathskeller one big, giant mess,” said April Samuelson, a member of ACPB. She also said some very enthusiastic actors will be onstage to act along with the movie.
– Denver Collins