Our view: Name our radio show, then participate
Our charge for the Forum page this semester was simple: Keep it local and get the community involved as much as possible.
Now, we have a new avenue to accomplish that. Sundays from 6 to 8 p.m., the members of our editorial board will be live on-air on Black Squirrel Radio. We’ll be discussing the previous week’s editorials. We’ll be talking about other issues that affect our campus and community. We’ll be taking your calls and responding to your instant messages.
So tell us what you think.
We all have plenty to say – we get to say it daily on page four. Now it’s your turn. Help guide our discussions. If something going on with the university has you riled up, tell us about it. If we piss you off, let us know.
We know you have opinions – there are plenty of posts on KentNewsNet.com that prove it. We want to hear from those people. The more discussion we can generate with the students and community, the more chance we have to make change.
For five print journalists with no radio experience, being on-air for two hours seemed daunting – it took about 25 minutes for everyone to figure out how to adjust the table-mounted mics – but after our trial run last week, we’re excited.
Along with the shout-outs to the few friends who knew we were on the air and a somewhat irrelevant conversation about how the webcam was astutely focused on an empty Black Squirrel Radio office (it will eventually be in the studio), we had lengthy discussions about some good issues.
We talked more about the editorial we wrote last week about Residence Services, one that generated a lot of conversation and several comments on the Web site. We talked about politics in music and its place in today’s youth culture. We talked about the huge amounts of money presidential hopefuls generate and spend – something we’ll be editorializing on next week.
You can also get involved by suggesting a name for the as-of-now unnamed show. E-mail suggestions to [email protected]. We’ll send you a BSR T-shirt and you’ll have all the honor and glory of the name you picked being in our new e-mail address.
Also: Consider this an open invitation to all Kent State administrators to come share some time with us as a guest. (That includes you, President Lefton.) We’d love to give students the opportunity to hear some candid conversation from those who make the decisions at Kent State that affect them the most.
We’re really looking forward to making this into something big, but we’ll need your help.
Join us, won’t you?
• Where to find us: www.blacksquirrelradio.com
• When: 6-8 p.m. Sunday
• How to contact us: Call (330) 672-3193 or get us on AOL Instant Messenger at BSRKent.
The above editorial is the consensus opinion of the Daily Kent Stater editorial board.