Ky. university official named as new dean

Daniel Mahony to take over College of Education, Health and Human Services

The College of Education, Health and Human Services announced yesterday that Daniel Mahony will replace former interim Dean Donald Bubenzer.

He will take the position as dean July 1.

“I have certainly appreciated the opportunity to be the interim dean and have enjoyed it,” Bubenzer said.

“I am pleased that Dr. Mahony has been named the dean,” he continued. “I think it is important that we name a dean in order to move forward as a college, and I think he will be able to help us move forward as a college.”

Mahony is currently a faculty member at the University of Louisville. He has served as an assistant university provost for institutional effectiveness, associate dean for planning and management systems, and associate professor in the College of Education and Human Development. He plans to use his experiences to increase research productivity and improve degree programs.

Mahony received a bachelor’s degree in accounting from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, a master’s degree in sport management from West Virginia University and a doctorate in sport management from Ohio State University.

Last year former Dean David England accepted a position at Our Lady of the Lake College in Baton Rouge, La. Bubenzer agreed to be the interim dean until a permanent replacement was found, said Carolyn Hartman, administrative secretary of the dean’s office.

Bubenzer will return as chair of the department of adult counseling, health and vocational education.

Contact College of Education, Health and Human Services reporter Alyssa Conner at [email protected].