Vote! Vote! Vote!

The day we all have been waiting for is almost here – the day that will wrap up two years of campaigning and end all the attack advertisements – Election Day.

Last week, I finally received my absentee ballot in the mail and voted in my first presidential election. It felt great to fulfill my American duty, my right to vote. I felt like I conquered the world as I was filling in my bubbles and mailing my ballot.

I did find it quite odd that I had to pay $1.47 to vote because my county didn’t put a pre-stamp on my envelope, but I can let that one slide. I think being able to vote outweighs $1.47. Still, that’s a load of laundry.

Anyway, I wish I could have experienced what it was like to vote at a polling station for my first time, but I had to help make a difference for my city back at home in Columbus. Maybe I am more disappointed because I didn’t get a sticker saying, “I voted.” I mean, who wouldn’t want to vote in this presidential election?

Honestly, we have seen Sarah Palin on “Saturday Night Live,” heard McCain’s references to Joe the Plumber during debates and even witnessed threats against Obama from white supremacists. The drama and media coverage during this election cannot be compared to any other. This election is going down in history. Americans should be thrilled to vote and end it.

Every American citizen should be registered to vote. People take the freedom we are given for granted. There are people in countries that dream to have the right to vote, to have a voice.

People complain and argue about policies they don’t agree with, changes they want made or, even better, the man in office. I am not saying it isn’t right to have an opinion, but the majority of the people who are complaining aren’t even registered to vote. It really amazes me.

There is no excuse for people who aren’t registered – especially Kent State students. For the past few months those people with clipboards, who everybody loves to avoid, gave students the opportunity to register. I am sure the majority of us lied and said we were registered, and I understand being stopped five times within a mile gets annoying, but we should be thanking those people for taking the time out of their lives to help us register. They made it convenient for us by being on campus.

For all those first-time voters, you should feel proud you are making a difference. Wear your voting sticker with pride and hold your head up high. Whether you support McCain or Obama, it is important that you are taking part in such an important election. History will be made Nov. 4, and you can say you were there, you took part in it and you had a voice.

Alyssa Conner is a junior public relations major and a columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact her at [email protected].