College of Arts, Honors College host annual exhibition

Displays will include paintings and jewelry

Natalie Petrosky, sophomore fine arts major, holds the piece she entered in the Honors College art show. It took Petrosky about three weeks to create this piece out of plate glass. Caitlin Sirse | Daily Kent Stater

Credit: DKS Editors

Emily Christine, senior fine arts and crafts major, has the only jewelry pieces on display at “Ambit,” the third-annual art show sponsored by the Honors College and the College of the Arts.

Christine, who won first place at the art show in 2007, designed a bracelet and brooch based on souvenir jewelry designs from the 1800s.

She said her pieces address how the American landscape has been affected by big-box franchises and corporations.

“All the communities are basically the same from city to city,” she said.

The exhibit, which includes paintings, drawings and jewelry, runs through April 3. The gallery is open from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday through Friday.

“These things get a horrible reputation for being stuffy, and they don’t need to,” said Amanda Meeker, senior student curator and fine arts major.

Meeker said every year they choose an open-ended word as a theme. An ambit is a boundary, so the theme of the show is exploring the boundaries of art.

Two curators from the Canton and Massillon art museums will choose the two best pieces. The winners will receive a gift certificate.

“I’m actually looking forward to meeting the curators coming,” said Carolyn Corrigan, junior student curator and art history major, who plans to network at the event.

The reception from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. tonight in the Stopher-Johnson complex is open to the public and offers free refreshments.

The reception will also feature video presentations of performances by theater and dance students.

“We really wanted to include the music kids, but that’s hard to do,” said Meeker. Next year, they hope to incorporate a recording of the honors music recital into the reception.

Victoria Bocchicchio, the Honors College coordinator of curriculum and coordinator of the art show, said collaborative programming is important in the Honors College because every honors student is also part of another college.

“For students that aren’t art students, I think it’s important for them to see what’s being created by their peers,” Corrigan said.

Contact Honors College and International Affairs reporter Alison Lucci at[email protected].