Employees, staff asked to take part in Fuel-Less Friday Aug. 21
Parking Services’ second annual Fuel-Less Friday: Bike, Hike or Ride a Bus to Work, is set for Aug. 21.
The event was created last year to encourage Kent State faculty and staff members to find different means of commuting to work. The benefits of the alternative transportation, such as walking, riding a bike, carpooling or using PARTA, include conserving energy and resources, saving money and improving personal fitness.
“This event is a meaningful – and a fun way – for Parking Services and our co-sponsors to support and encourage the use of alternative transportations,” said Debora Miller, assistant manager of Parking Services, in a press release. “We want to raise awareness that there are commuting options that can save money, help the environment and promote a healthier lifestyle for many members of the university community.”
The Student Recreation and Wellness Center will provide a free continental breakfast and also offer its shower facilities for participants, beginning at 7 a.m.
Bicycle rentals will be available at the SRWC to faculty members for $15 from Aug. 20 through Aug. 24.
The event is open to all employees with a valid Kent State ID card.
– Cassandra Adams