Cool class of the week

Human sexuality class focuses on the psychological over anatomical

Students in Laurie Wagner’s Human Sexuality class are exposed to the social and psychological aspects of sexuality as opposed to the scientific aspects, as in an anatomy class.

Senior history major Adam Sedlak said it’s an interesting perspective on the topic of human sexuality.

“It’s pretty interesting,” he said. “I learn lots of exciting things, see some gross videos.”

The assistant professor of health sciences began one class by explaining in detail the difference between transgender individuals, transsexual individuals, cross-dressers and drag queens.

Then she quoted some surgeon from a film she had previously shown.

“It’s much easier to create a hole than a pole.”

Many students laughed after considering this logic, and Wagner began to draw a trombone-shaped penis on the board.

Then, she proceeded to turn it inside out, so to speak, giving them the cartoony version of a sex reassignment surgery.

Then she tried to put the whole process into a financial perspective.

“A decent penis is going to cost $20, $30, $40,000,” Wagner said.

Again, there were sporadic chuckles.

She then told the class if they want some more realistic images, she has some slides and videos she would be willing to lend out.

“They’re probably way outside the realm of what most people can handle,” Wagner said. “I can tell just by the looks on some of your faces.”

A girl in the back let out an “eww.”


Human Sexuality – HED 32544

&bull Section 001: TR 2:15-3:30 p.m.

&bull Section 002: TR 11 a.m. -12:15 p.m.

&bull Section 003: W 4:25-7:05 p.m.

&bull Section 004: TR 12:30-1:45 p.m.

&bull Section 005: MW 12:30-1:45 p.m.

Shaun Minko, senior business management major, and Danielle Novotny, senior general studies major, gave some perspective on the class.

“I didn’t think I’d find it interesting,” Minko said. “But it is very interesting, and what we learn is nothing I would learn in any business class, and that’s why it’s a pretty cool class.”

Minko and Novotny are dating and said the class offers them some valuable information.

“It sounds really stupid,” Novotny said as she laughed. “But we could learn something that affects our relationship.”

They also appreciated their professor’s efforts.

“She’s really funny and doesn’t make it awkward,” Novotny said. “She tells stories and makes you think about how it applies to real life.”

That seems to be Wagner’s goal.

“I think it’s one of those topics that most people don’t get a lot of formalized education on,” Wagner said. “So I appreciate the opportunity to dispel all of the myths and nonsense and really spend time giving people the appropriate information.”

Wagner, who has been teaching the class since 1997, added that there is an importance to keeping the discussions light in nature and amusing.

“I think some kids do fall into a little bit of trouble because I present it in an entertaining way,” she said. “Over time, I’ve found ways to get the information, hopefully, to students in ways they can be responsive to. I don’t believe we need to be rigid or behind the podium. I don’t think they’ll get the information as well doing it that way.”

Contact features reporter Nick Baker at [email protected]