Pastor’s Web site attacks porn use
Non-profit site aims to help consumers
Craig Gross, founder and leader of the Web site, often receives letters from people across the United States regarding pornography. Gross reads a letter from a prisoner in jail for child pornography. Emily Horne | Daily Kent Stater
Credit: DKS Editors
A young pastor from Southern California whose Web site is the “No. 1 Christian porn site” spoke last night at the Kent Student Center Ballroom about the taboo subject
of pornography.
The event called “Porn Pandemic: Dirty Little Secret” was sponsored by Kent Student Center Programming along with the Kent Interhall Council for “Sex Week.”
Craig Gross, founder and leader of, helps individuals who struggle with viewing sexually explicit content.
The Web site launched in 2002 and has been viewed by more than 60 million people. It is a non-profit organization that exists to help both consumers and those in the
adult entertainment industry.
“XXXchurch is a safe place online for people to find the truth about the effects of pornography,” he said. “The Internet is the best place to express my teachings
because it’s where porn is found.”
Gross decided to tackle what he feels are immoral problems of pornography after seeing how they negatively affected people around him.
“I saw this common theme of porn and young people, and they need to somehow avoid it,” Gross said.
After questioning the porn industry eight years ago, Gross and co-founder Mike Foster decided to launch the Web site,which eventually gained national press coverage.
During national pornography conventions, Gross and his team pass out Bibles with “Jesus Loves Porn Stars” on the front.
The pastor said no one, including porn stars, is exempt from God’s love.
Gross and his ministry have been featured in U.S. national media through an event called “The Porn Debate.”
He has debated with porn star Ron Jeremy at college campuses across the country more than 50 times.
Both men also went on tour in the eastern part of the country and were featured on ABC Nightline News, which was the most viewed segment in Nightline’s online reader history.
“Ron and I have done this for four years now, and we’ve become pretty close friends,” Gross said.
“It’s fun to get into his world.”
Gross said pornography is just one easy click away for tech-savvy college students.
He said its availability has progressed tremendously over the past 10 years via the Internet.
“The temptation of porn never goes away and is dangerous in anyone’s relationship, whether they are married or not,” he said. “Porn is so unrealistic and is a false interpretation of what sex really is.”
Tyler Goddard, sophomore exploratory major, said he enjoys pornography.
“It’s great; I watch it a couple times a week,” he said. “Porn is an easy alternative because I’m not in a relationship.”
But other students agree with the message of
Leah Green, freshman early childhood education major, said porn is disgusting.
“There is absolutely no point(to watch porn) if you can do it yourself, or if you’re in a relationship,” she said. “If you are happy with someone, you shouldn’t need to watch porn, because it can ruin good things.”
Contact religion reporter Erinn Best at [email protected]