Style Eye on Kent

Credit: DKS Editors

What do Paris, New York, Milan, Italy and Ohio have in common? OK, who are we kidding? There is nothing in common. But who says Ohio is fashion-less? We may not have any high fashion flagship stores or an internationally known Fashion Week, but we do have people here who are just as fashionable as anywhere else.

Since starting Style Eye, I have noticed that many people around campus dress similar; it reminds me of Thom Browne’s Pitti Uomo headlining act in Florence last fall. His act included 40 models that were dressed identical. Now, where’s the fun in that? There’s plenty of room for trendsetters. Don’t be afraid to break a fashion rule or two. The world is your catwalk. Today, style is more redefined. One can get away with wearing a tweed double-breasted blazer with a pair of jeans, which was impossible in the 1930s. Style Eye is all about capturing people who are not afraid of wearing clothes that are “so last season.” Style should bring out the creative side in us, so have fun with fashion.

Bethany Greenawalt, junior fashion merchandising major, is the Style Eye of the week. Bethany’s outfit was simple, yet so chic. She asserted her close attention to detail, from the cut of her shirt to the length of her skirt. It all works so well together.

Doleh: What is your personal definition of style?

Greenawalt: I once read an interview where Debbie Harry told the interviewer that someone once told her that she had good legs, and short skirts and shorts were a good look for her, and so that was something that stuck with her and helped her create her style. Style is really about finding what works for you and developing it into your own look.

D: Has anyone ever given you sartorial advice that has always stuck with you?

G: My dad told me once that you should never wear anything that almost matches, either it should match perfectly or not match at all. While there exceptions to every rule, I’ve never come across a situation that this didn’t apply to.

D: If you could work with any designer, dead or live, who would you choose? Why?

G: There is a French designer named Andrea Crews, whose work is just as much fashion as it is art, and I just love her and would love to work with her. Her work is really interesting mainly because it’s more about the thought process behind the clothes. She is an activist for environmentalism, and all of her work is made from recycled materials. Her clothes are fun and sometimes off-the-wall crazy.

D: Tell us what you are wearing.

G: I am wearing a black, long sleeve wide neck fitted shirt from the Gap, a vintage high-waisted gray skirt, blue tights and black Franco Sarto boots. My scarf and bracelets are also thrifted.

Contact Style Eye columnist Remah Doleh at [email protected]