Mysterious ‘Jack is Coming’ is a promotion
PR students release campaign secret
The long-awaited Jack | Screenshot courtesy of
Credit: DKS Editors
Facebook followers of the “Jack is Coming 11/9/09” campaign awoke to learn who Jack’s identity was today.
Here are some characteristics of the mystery man: He’s skinny, purple and made out of clay.
He was also the character used for the early tutorial videos showcasing – the client and focus of the “Jack is Coming” promotional campaign, organized by Public Relations Student Society of America.
Recently, the tutorial featuring Jack was pulled off, but people can still view it on YouTube., founded in 2008 by a Cornell University graduate student, is a group interactivity tool that tries to make communicating and cooperating in groups easier to manage.
“We use it personally, and that’s essentially the reason why we chose to start this promotional campaign,” said Aaron Kaufman, the project’s lead organizer.
The mysterious “Jack is Coming 11/9/09” was only part one of PRSSA’s promotional campaign, Kaufman said.
This week PRSSA will have officers raffling off various items to people who sign up for in the Student Center’s first floor lobby. The only prizes Kaufman could confirm so far were free Chipotle coupons.
Contact news correspondent Simon Husted at [email protected].