Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year is Saturday
The Chinese Students and Scholars Association will be hosting a Chinese Spring Festival Satuday.
The Chinese Students and Scholars Association will be hosting a Chinese Spring Festival celebration Saturday. It will start at 6 p.m. in the ballroom of the Student Center. Tickets can be purchased on the day of the event for $8.50 or online for $6 and a transaction fee.
Dining Services will provide Chinese food and the Cleveland Chinese Music Ensemble will perform traditional Chinese music. The event will also include Classic Chinese and pop music, as well as hip-hop and modern Chinese dancing. All students are welcome to attend the festival.
This festival is commonly called Chinese New Year, and it is the biggest holiday in East Asia, said Tiffany Hu, whose father was born in Taiwan and still celebrates the holiday. She said this holiday is similar to Christmas for Americans. Students get a break from school, and the celebration lasts for 15 days.
Contact honors and international affairs reporter Bethany English at [email protected].