Chat at Stark focuses on women
The Kent State Stark Campus’ Diversity Chat “I am Woman” is dedicated to women who are students, employees or mothers.
The discussion will be from 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m. tomorrow at the Main Hall Auditorium.
Lisa Sewell Givan, pre-college programs coordinator and enrollment management advisor, will be the facilitator of the chat. She said she thought of the event because she wanted students and her colleagues to know “they are not alone.”
“In today’s society, I see so many women playing so many roles all at once,” Givan said in an e-mail. “Each responsibility comes with such rigorous requirements and, at times, I think we all feel as if we are the only ones having these experiences.”
Givan said Stark’s faculty, staff and students are the panelists of the event and represent, among others, single mothers, wives in interracial marriages, full-time employees and students. The event will also address issues such as stress, time management and healthy ways to relax.
Dialogue is encouraged at the event to enable women to help each other, so attendees can learn from others and share their experiences, Givan said.
“Events like this are important,” Givan said, “because it gives us a supportive and encouraging venue, which enables us to freely and honestly discuss strategies and coping mechanisms that got us through the tough times.” ?
Contact diversity reporter Mariana Silva at [email protected].