New student group to promote diversity on campus
Organization allows members of different cultures to connect.
The Association of Global Communities gives international and domestic students the opportunity to share their cultural experiences.
International and domestic students will have the opportunity to share their cultural experiences through a new student organization.
The Association of Global Communities will welcome anybody who is interested in different cultures. That means both international and domestic students are welcome to participate, as are scholars, faculty, family members and community, said Kristi Campbell, assistant director of the Office of International Affairs.
“The Association of Global Communities is a student organization with special interest in promoting international diversity on campus,” Campbell said.
The organization is not yet registered at the Center for Student Involvement, but Campbell said she plans to officially start AGC by March 1. Campbell said a constitution has already been written, but executive officers still need to be chosen before the official application is turned in.
“We want to teach people about cultures throughout the world and advocate for international students rather than pinpointing one area,” Campbell said.
The idea of the organization came from the staff members at International Students and Scholar Services. Campbell and others at ISSS also researched other universities that instituted the same type of association to find out how they functioned.
When AGC starts, international and domestic students should expect talking, conversing, learning and interacting with each other, said Sneha Jose, Undergraduate Student Government senator for international students.
“It’s not only about events, it’s about learning experiences more than anything,” Jose said. “Not many people know what it’s like in different parts of the world.”
Campbell said about 40 people have demonstrated interest in the organization and she is still receiving resumes for executive officers. The officers are to be chosen at the next meeting at 8:30 p.m. Feb. 2 at Van Campen Hall.
Contact diversity reporter Mariana Silva at [email protected].