Dive worships to live music

Band plays religious songs during service

Students clap and sing to the sound of the Dive’s worship band every Thursday around 9 p.m. in Bowman Hall’s lecture room.

“Worship is a condition of your heart,” said Jason Clevenger, lead singer and guitarist of the Dive’s worship band. “You can worship to any style of music.”

The Dive is an Inter-Denominational Christian Organization that is a local branch of the national organization Campus Crusade for Christ.

Students enter the room hearing non-Christian or secular tunes. After the speaker for the night is done, the lights begin to dim and the worship band takes the stage. The audience stands up to sing songs to honor God by reading off an overhead projection screen with the lyrics in large font.

“People from the Dive love to worship,” Clevenger said. “When filled with the love of God, it’s hard not to.”

Besides Clevenger, the band consists of Shaun Fitzpatrick on guitar, Sam Nease on bass, Katie Ickes on keyboard and backup vocals, and Devon Breckbill on drums.

Breckbill said the current band hasn’t always been around. His freshman year, they had a worship band, last year they played secular tunes, but this year, “We brought back the worship songs,” he said.

Some Christians believe secular tunes have no place in their lives, but as for Clevenger, learning classic rock, blues, and 90s pop rock has helped him with his musicianship. He says, “Christian music is simpler than what I like to play.”

Most of the songs performed by the Dive’s band are not original. Songs from Hill Song and Chris Tomlin, two Christian artists, are often performed.

Mike Kim, a Dive staff team member and speaker approves of the band’s place within the organization. He said the Dive responds to God through singing.

“Because it is a value of the students involved as well as the staff team, to worship God is a priority,” Kim said.

Worship music for the Dive affects the students just as much as the band members and staff. Alex Riddle, a freshman this year and new to the Dive, said that he thinks the band is very talented and they help get people excited during the meeting.

“Music lets me open up,” Riddle said. “Music is the best medicine.”

Contact religion reporter Ryan Friend at [email protected].