Slideshow: “Boondock Saints” stars stop in Kent on college promotion tour

Roughly 400 people attended the showing of “The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day,” followed by a Q-and-A session with part of the cast and crew: Director Troy Duffy, Producer Chris Brinker, and actors David Della Rocco and Daniel Desanto.

“They are doing a tour to promote the new movie,” said Mike Szabo, USG programming director.

Slideshow by Nathan Kencec

Brinker, producer for “The Boondock Saints” and “The Boondock Saints II,” said they have been doing promotional tours for a long time, “but Kent State holds a soft spot in the Boondock’s heart.”

Brinker said six years ago, Duffy came to Kent as a way to promote the first movie, and the tours took off from there.

Following the film, the Q-and-A began with a 30-minute movie that showed on-set clips, thought processes, challenges and successes of cast and crewmembers.

After that, Duffy came on stage and the crowd went crazy.

“We are going to have a little fun tonight,” he said. “What excites me is new talent, and when we did Boondock II, there was a young man named Daniel Desanto who really stood out.”

He said he turned Desanto in to the studio and they didn’t like him.

“But I was able to get the actor that I wanted,” he said.

Desanto said he was a big fan of the first movie, and it was really intimidating to be the new guy in this “cut-throat business.”

He said it was a weird experience the first day on set, because he was used to things not working out, but “it was like a family, and everyone was so welcoming.”

Contact on campus entertainment reporter Michelle Bair at [email protected].