Boondock Saints’ cast comes to KSU

Students can begin their St. Patty’s celebration by spending an evening with the Boondock Saints.

The sequel, “The Boondock Saints II: All Saints Day,” will show at 7 p.m today in the Student Center Ballroom.

“After the film, the creator, writer and director, Troy Duffy, and the cast will come onstage to show footage that takes the audience ‘on set’ as the film was being shot,” said Mike Szabo, USG programming director.

Szabo said this gives students a one-on-one opportunity to hear what goes into the creative and technical decision-making process and have an “inside dialogue” with Duffy and the cast about their personal challenges and successes along the way.

“Actor David Della Rocco and producer Chris Brinker will be there also,” said Mike Dukles, Center for Student Involvement graduate assistant.

“A surprise guest appearance will be in attendance as well,” he said.

Students can experience this Irish twist with their Kent ID for $5 and $10 for the general public. There will be free small popcorn with every ticket.

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