reviewed: John Kasich on the Issues

John R. Kasich

Age: 58

Party: Republican

Resume: Director of a Steel company, Director of Invacare, Previous U.S. House member, two-time New York Time best seller author- “Stand for Something: The Battle for America’s Soul” and “Courage is Contagious”


John Kasich grew up in McKee’s Rocks, Pennsylvania and decided to attend Ohio State University. At the age of 26, Kasich was elected to the Ohio State Senate and at the age of 30 he was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives. Kasich was part of the Chairman of the House Budget Committee that created the plan to help with the federal budget. He has been the director of Worthington Industries, a steel and iron company located in Columbus, Ohio, since 2001 and in the same year became the director of Invacare, a healthcare equipment manufacture in Elyria, Ohio. Kasich has been a contributor to Fox News and has appeared on multiple cable shows to explain to the public how he feels about government involvement.


Economy: Kasich plans on fixing Ohio’s economy by first establishing a way for jobs to come into the state. He also advocates for the government to balance the state budget, reduce their costs, taxes, and help downsize the amount of business regulation.

Jobs: By lowering taxes and help establishing a competitive “climate”, businesses outside Ohio will move in and help to create more jobs. Also Kasich wants to use JobsOhio, a not-for-profit corporation overseen by the governor, to help create additional jobs.

Immigration: In 1998 Kasich voted yes for more immigrant visas for skilled workers. According to the Dispatch, Kasich says that Ohio should not enact an immigration law similar to Arizona’s. He wants to establish a comprehensive federal immigration law that protects America’s borders.

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