Our View: Chandler would be hard to replace
Since January 2009, Kent State has implemented a series of reforms in the hopes of enhancing the educational experience of its undergraduate students. Among the changes are the comprehensive revision of the Liberal Education Requirements and the revamping of the freshman orientation experience.
Various members of the Office of the Provost coordinated the changes across the university, but the person leading these efforts was Senior Associate Provost Tim Chandler.
Thanks to Chandler, LERs have been streamlined and students will face less troubles should they choose to switch majors. He should also be credited for creating Destination Kent State Advising and Registration, a system that brings incoming freshmen to campus one weekend during the summer to register for classes. The new program replaced the 22-year-old Placement, Advising and Scheduling System, which brought prospective students to campus during spring semester.
In other words, this single administrator has made your educational experience better. In a university where planners abound, but doers lack, Chandler has taken the responsibility of accomplishing tasks, from which many other administrators would have walked away.
But unfortunately for Kent State – students in particular – Chandler may be leaving the university in the near future. He is one of two finalists who could become Kennesaw State University’s provost. Chandler will be visiting Kennesaw, located 30 miles northwest of Atlanta, Friday for an in-person interview and campus tour. With 22,500 students, Kennesaw is slightly smaller than Kent State.
Chandler has a remarkable reputation among faculty and staff. He is known for his strong work ethic and is well-respected by his peers. His accomplishments should serve as an example for other administrators.
This possible career advancement would certainly be gratifying for Chandler, but his departure would create a deep void at the provost office. A man with more than 27 years of experience in higher education and roughly 20 years at Kent State will be difficult to replace.
The above editorial is the consensus opinion of the Daily Kent State editorial board.