Our View: Laundry fee unfair

Residence Services recently shot down a Kent Interhall Council proposal to institute a $40 flat rate for laundry services included in the semester’s tuition. According to a survey conducted by Residence Services, 70 percent of students polled said they would be in favor of the inclusion of a flat-rate laundry fee. So why did Residence Services decide to dash the proposal?

Betsy Joseph, director of Residence Services, said, “With a likely increase in tuition, a likely reduction in some types of grants that are available to new freshmen who are going to be coming to campus, I was concerned to implement an across-the-board rate.”

Joseph makes an excellent point. Now is not the time to include extra fees into Kent State’s already hefty tuition sums each semester. To some students, $40 is no small price to pay. With the administration’s recent passage to lift the tuition cap, there’s no telling how much tuition dues will rise in the coming years.

Although many students are willing to pay the proposed fee each semester for a little less laundry hassle, it doesn’t make sense to force everyone living on campus to hand over the extra cash. Many students go home to do their laundry for free, while other students have an extensive wardrobe or tight funds and seldom wash their clothes on campus. Doing your own laundry is a small but important step toward adulthood and maturity, but that doesn’t mean implementing a flat rate for everyone is a logical or fair idea.

It’s great that Residence Services and KIC Campus Laundry Solutions are trying to simplify the laundry process and keep residence hall students on campus on weekends. However, there are better ways to keep students on campus than making it easier to wash their clothes. A better way to keep students here is to start creative new programs and entertainment for students to enjoy. Make Kent State a comfortable and fun place, not just a place to study and contract frostbite during the week.

The above editorial is the consensus opinion of the Daily Kent Stater editorial board.