Pros of being single

Decorations for an "I Hate Valentine's Day" party thrown by Jessica Biel's character Kara in the movie Valentine's Day. Photo from Warner Bros. Entertainment.

Decorations for an “I Hate Valentine’s Day” party thrown by Jessica Biel’s character Kara in the movie Valentine’s Day. Photo from Warner Bros. Entertainment.

I have been single for about two years now. While this time of year usually gets me down, I always try to remember the reasons why I choose to stay single…

Get to focus on school/work




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I have noticed in the past that while dating a guy, my work has slipped. I always had the “I’ll get to it later,” mentality, and that included (but was not limited to) project deadlines, studying for tests and missed opportunities. I almost didn’t apply for Post-Secondary classes in high school; I would have missed out on finishing half of my freshman year before graduation if I would have opted to cling to my boyfriend.

Shameless flirting




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Some guys get insanely jealous when their girlfriends flirt with, say, their waiter at a restaurant. Most of the time girls don’t even notice that they’re flirting, which makes it an even harder habit to break. Without a boy, there is no need to worry about slipping some eye batting into your mozzarella stick order.

Fine-tune “perfect guy” ideals




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I will be the first to admit that my standards are extremely high: I want to find a guy who doesn’t smoke, is serious about school and career, easy on the eyes…and the list continues. While in a relationship, we as girls sometimes feel as though we have to live with the flaws in our partners; while single, expectations can change. Plus, (as the saying goes) “love happens when you least expect it.”

No need to babysit




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Boys like toys. They like to play video games, lust after cars and dream of the next time they use their Droid. When attached, girls put up with this display of forgotten youth. (Eye-rolling doesn’t count!) However, we girls like to spend time with our boyfriends, not spending time watching them play Call of Duty and getting snacks when requested.

Get to dress how you want




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Some girls dress up for their boyfriends, while other dress down. (Sometimes completely down, if you know what I mean…) When you’re single, you can dress however you please. So what if I wear a dress one day and yoga pants the next? I’m not pleasing anyone but myself, and that’s what counts.

Girl time!




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In relationships, most of our time is spent trying to juggle schoolwork, extracurriculars, chores and a boyfriend; sometimes this means excluding our best friends. To be honest, I haven’t seen one of my best friends in a few months due to her relationship and our schedules not coinciding. While single, you can fit your best friend right back where she or he belongs: at your side helping you navigate life.