April Fool’s Day history
Don’t be an April fool. Photo by MCT Campus.
Legend has it that April fool’s day was created in France around 1582. This was the year that Charles IX reformed the calendar; changing New Year’s Day from April 1st to January 1st. Many people did not acknowledge this change and continued to celebrate New Year’s on April 1st. Those people who didn’t get the memo were labeled “fools” and were picked-on throughout the day. Therefore, we have April fool’s Day!
Top April fool’s pranks of all time according to the museum of hoaxes
The Left-handed Whopper – In 1998 Burger King put an add in USA Today introducing the new left-handed Whopper designed for all of the left-handed Americans.
Digital Big Ben – In 1980 The BBC reported that Big Ben (the huge clock tower in London) was going digital in order to keep up with the times. This announcement actually angered many listeners.
MITkey Mouse – In 1998 the homepage of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) announced that the university was sold to Walt Disney co. for 6.9 billion dollars. That would shock any student who paid to attend one of most prestigious universities in the country.
What was your favorite April fool’s day prank?