Our View:Don’t cut student aid, Medicare
President Barack Obama addressed the nation April 13 regarding the huge deficit in our national budget. His eloquent speech narrowed down his position to one of humility and shame. He spoke of tax cuts and the opposition the plan will face.
“There will be those who vigorously disagree with my approach. I can guarantee that as well,” he said to a giggling crowd. “I don’t need another tax cut. Warren Buffett doesn’t need another tax cut. Not if we have to pay for it by making seniors pay more for Medicare or by cutting kids from Head Start. Or by taking away college scholarships that I wouldn’t be here without and that some of you would not be here without.”
President Obama, thank you for not wanting to take away our scholarships or our grandparents’ Medicare. But, you know, this is all theory. It’s all talk. Actually implementing a plan to discourage tax breaks from the wealthy, fund scholarships and special programs for the younger generation is going to be harder to pass than getting marijuana legalized. Obama even said so in a disheartening part of his speech.
“I believe it paints a vision of our future that is deeply pessimistic,” he said. “It’s a vision that says if our roads crumble and our bridges collapse, we can’t afford to fix them. If there are bright young Americans who have the drive and the will but not the money to go to college, we can’t afford to send them.”
Other countries are surpassing what we all thought was high intellect in America, the greatest nation on Earth, but what happens when people can’t afford to go to college?
There are drawbacks to every decision made in Congress. If they decide to place higher taxes on the wealthy, the wealthy will complain. But you know, wealthy people of the United States, give some back to the world. Not to annoyingly quote “High School Musical,” but we’re all in this together.
The gap between rich and poor needs tightening. And these taxes could only last a little while until we’re on our feet again. It’s inevitable that if the government continues to tax the poor, we’re going to fall into an indebted black hole.
Write your legislature about your concerns and objections. Express your dislikes/likes for what they’re representing when they go into their meetings. Say yea or nay on tax increases on the wealthy. Remark on the fact that scholarships need funding so those who can’t afford a higher education can still attend. Tell them to keep Head Start around to allow working parents’ peace of mind when they’re away from their kids. State that Medicare needs to stick around for your ever-loving grandmother in the hospital or nursing home.
At this point, the government can’t continue to take from the poor. What happened to that old Robin Hood mentality? Let us not rely on one vigilante to save our buttocks. Let us, the people, take our country into our own hands and change it for the better.