Dance student instructs others on Zumba

A student is instructing Zumba classes every Monday this summer to raise money for the Kent Dance Association.

Sabatino Verlezza, senior dance major who instructs the courses, said he got certified to teach Zumba in June, but didn’t originally plan on teaching a class. The Music and Speech Center is a busy place during the summer, and the dancers wanted a way to keep in shape, he said.

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Each class is $2 and the money will go to the Kent Dance Association. Verlezza said he wants to help raise money to bring professional choreographers to Kent State for the Kent Dance Ensemble in Spring 2012.

Verlezza said he hopes to continue teaching classes throughout the school year, even if it’s on a scheduled basis. The Music and Speech Center dance rooms are usually booked and Verlezza will have a busy schedule.

“The sense of community and unity in the room is fabulous,” Verlezza said, “I would love to continue to do it.”

Classes are taught every Monday evening from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. in the Music and Speech Center, studio D123.

Contact Summer Kent Stater reporter Rachel Hagenbaugh at [email protected].